Saturday, March 18, 2023

Daring to imagine the Salvation of Heretics

Two recent articles. Imagineing a Heretic Cardinal and Imagining a Heretic President, dare to take a canon law view of excommunication- and why a Catholic cannot, should never, teach against the church on matters of faith and morals, particularily sins against the fourth, fifth, and sixth commandments.

But as much as American heterodox Catholics like to break the fourth, fifth, and sixth commandment, often in ruin and distruction not just for themselves but for their families out to the 7th generation; this is NOT the unforgiveable sin you are looking for. The whole intent of excommunication is as a teaching tool- to inspire conversion back to the true faith.

Even heretics deserve salvation; all are called to be Catholic in deed in Heaven, the only question is, are you willing to give up your favorite sins to answer the call?

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