Monday, September 26, 2022

An interesting comparison

 In 1729, Dr. Johnathan Swift,  completely tongue in cheek wrote A Modest Proposal.  In 2022, we now know that some people took this entirely too seriously, now selling the unwanted children of the poor for spare parts in the medical community.

Michael Smith published Gay Revolutionary, also a little noticed satire, in Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987.  

I would suggest that by 2015, with the Obergefell decision, and by 2022, with the revelation of large numbers of teachers and preachers and parents actively grooming children for transgenderism, surgery, and now even uterus transplants, that this second satire has also been taken to extremes.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Prove it!

28 minutes in to this video, is why men are not allowed to complain..

But the whole video is a good exercise in cognitive dissonance.

I read Dilbert online.  I have not subscribed to any paper other than the diocese Catholic paper in a long time.  Dead trees are dead- in more ways than one, my diocese paper subscription is ending this October because after 120 years, COVID-19 killed it (the diocese has been printing it at a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year).

So perhaps, in the long term, this will just allow Scott to sell more books in retirement.  But they will be on kindle.  Because Dead Trees Are Dead.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Why I care about aberosexuality

Lesbian, Gay, Queer, Transsexual, abortion, birth control: the effects of the sexual revolution, which I call aberrosexuality. Why care about aberrosexuals?

Biological sex is the basis of the family, the family is the basic unit of the tribe, the tribe the basic unit of the clan, the clan the basic unit of the town, the town the basic unit of the county, the county the basic unit of the state, the state the basic unit of the nation.

It is a philosophical attack on the very basis of all we are as human beings- how we procreate, how we gather and protect resources, how we live.

The failure to protect that basic philosophy over the past 60 years has resulted in a wide variety of basic failures in economics, in medicine, and in governance. It has in the United States cost us the lives of at least 80 million people, because aberrosexuality is not sustainable, not even within a single lifetime, let alone as the *default* form of a community.

It has become quite clear that the aberrosexual revolution isn't satisfied with merely keeping to themselves, the violent attacks on pro-life clinics this summer have proven that until the family is destroyed, the revolution will be incomplete.
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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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