Saturday, April 13, 2019

Unplanned the Movie: My review

We just saw this movie, in the last 3 hours. 

I've made no secret about being pro-life; but I've always avoided the gory details.  In this case, however, the gory details are essential to the story line, they are essential to Abby Johnson's story.  There has been a lot written elsewhere about the rating.  I've got to say that I too disagree with the MPAA on the rating of R- I saw nothing that exceeded the level of violence of other movies rated PG-13. 

Having said that, in the first 50 minutes of this movie, you will see depictions of the death of 30 people.  30 unborn children.  And the near death experience of one teenage mother whose abortion goes horribly, utterly wrong (after all, 1:1000 abortions end up with the mother in the emergency room, fighting for her own life).

The timeline was rather confusing- the first part of the movie jumped back and forth in time, not telling the story chronologically- first you saw the abortion that caused Abby Johnson to quit, then we jumped to 8 years earlier when she was still in college, then two years before that for her own first abortion and failed first marriage, then back to 8 years earlier, then progressing normally until we saw the abortion a 2nd time, this time with protesters right outside praying over barrels of "medical waste". 

Then of course came her resignation- her first time praying outside of the clinic she once ran- the silly lawsuit Planned Parenthood filed to try to silence her (which of course she won, after a rather confusing scene that was played for drama).

A very good movie to see, but given that it will soon be out of theaters, I recommend watching it as a family at home where you can pause the action to talk as a family when people watching it get upset.
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