Friday, January 20, 2023

A documentary I need to watch

 Dead Name is a new documentary staring parents of trans children.  I think I need to watch this.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

It's time to end this pro-choice nonsense- but also end the myth that life is just pro-birth.

 It is time for Democrats to join Republicans and say that BIRTH MATTERS. Pro-choicers have claimed for years that they care about babies after birth- now is the time to prove it. Let's see this bill guaranteeing medical care to the most helpless members of the human species pass with no opposition.

Providing medical care to infants who are born alive and trying to survive after an attempted abortion should be something that we can all agree on. Tragically however, Oregon does not afford this basic protection of human life, thanks to pro-death malthusian eugenicists, and so Congress must act on its responsibility to enforce the guarantees of equal protection of ALL races and abilities under law.
Let's put bigotry, racism, and ableism behind us and speak out strongly for the least of these. If we can't even do that, how can we possibly claim to be a moral nation?
Please vote “Yes” on the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act when it comes before the House. The bill would make sure that health care providers give the same needed care to these children as any born at the same age. The need for this legislation is real. The CDC reported that over 140 children died after surviving an abortion attempt from 2003 to 2014 and, with difficulty in reliable reporting of such events, even admitted this was likely an underestimate. And the cause? Quite often these third term abortions are urged by ableist and racist doctors who look at the potential cost of treating disabilities or the color of the mother's skin, in recommending the abortion in the first place!
The House Judiciary Committee in years past has heard testimony about the brutal ways in which such children can be left to die in bags or closets. Women and their children deserve better. Please vote “Yes,” and work toward meaningful solutions for mothers in need that affirm life and offer hope.

The five reasons given for a 3rd trimester abortion (and why each of them is wrong)

  1. Health of the mother (including mental health):  Past the 21st week with modern healthcare, the only use of pregnancy is to save two weeks in the hospital for the child for every week the pregnancy continues.  If the mother's life is in danger, an emergency c-section is safer for both her and the child than either abortion or inducement.
  2. Health of the child- so you kill the child rather than treat it?  How does that help?  This one is just ableist bigotry from people who fear the disabled.
  3. Wealth of the parents- this is the biggest fallacy of all.  Children are an investment that pays off in ways you'll never expect. They are ALWAYS worth bringing into the world.
  4. Race of the parents- how despicable is it that some medical professionals would rather abort a child of the wrong color or ethnicity than allow it to be born?  This needs to be eliminated from the medical profession.
  5. Biological sex of the child (including intersex children, but quite often female children in authoritarian societies or male children in egalitarian ones)- same as race- sexism is ridiculously outdated.  And in many cases is a form of ablism in and of itself.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Did Vatican II ban communion in the hand?

 In 1978, I was one of the first classes of First Communion to receive "Eucharist in the Hand" in the Catholic Church in Oregon.

But 9 years earlier, did Pope Paul VI ban the practice?

Was this actually a missing encyclical from Vatican II, widely ignored in the United States?  The encyclical linked to above, shows the synodal votes on the subject just after the close of the council:

Three questions were asked of the bishops, and the replies received by 12 March 1969 were as follows:

1. Do you think that attention should be paid to the desire that, over and above the traditional manner, the rite of receiving holy communion on the hand should be admitted?

Yes: 597

No: 1,233

Yes, but with reservations: 315

Invalid votes: 20

2. Is it your wish that this new rite be first tried in small communities, with the consent of the bishop?

Yes: 751

No: 1,215

Invalid votes, 70

3. Do you think that the faithful will receive this new rite gladly, after a proper catechetical preparation?

Yes: 835

No: 1,185

Invalid votes: 128

From the returns it is clear that the vast majority of bishops believe that the present discipline should not be changed, and that if it were, the change would be offensive to the sentiments and the spiritual culture of these bishops and of many of the faithful.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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