Wednesday, February 1, 2023

On the Document for the Continental Stage: Synod 2020-2024

 The Synod has released the Document for the Continental Stage.

It's extremely problematic in one significant way- censorship of cisgenedered heteronormative lifelong relationships.

It starts with paragraph 11 of the introduction, which looks like it came straight out of a secular HR department, using language that pretends to be inclusive, but which we find later on is radically EXCLUSIVE, with a dismissal of the concerns in Catechism of the Catholic Church 2300-2400 inclusive.
The one small concession we have to my way of thinking is in paragraphs 17-19, but even here conservative cisgendered lay Catholics and priests faithful to the 2000 year old teaching are called "rigid" thinkers who are unwelcoming of change.
Paragraph 28, in particular, abuses the word of God to pretend that "enlarging the tent" means "welcoming diversity"- but we already know from the secular world that diversity is only for the minority, majorities are not included in the diversity. It's an exclusive inclusivity.
Paragraphs 34-48 show a remarkable LACK of listening to ordinary people, while highlighting only those "diverse" examples that fit the agenda of excluding cisgendered heteronormative families. One should point out here that the ideal of being in a cisgendered heteronormative family is a luxury requiring a level of sacrifice not often seen in the world of modernism; people unwilling to make that sacrifice see those who are as being somewhat bigoted and prudish. But that is no reason to exclude them from your discussion on diversity.
Paragraphs 50-52 refer to the failed experiment of ecumenicism, by which the light of Christ was hidden under the bushel of secular humanism. On some continents that experiment is still going on, despite its obvious failure elsewhere; but usually under pressure from external culture wars that force different types of Christians to band together for survival.
Paragraphs 54-56 are outright heretical- the heresy of syncretism.
Paragraphs 60-65 are what I'd call the American Feminist Paragraphs- they read like the Seneca Falls Manifesto. They confuse clericalism with power (clerics are servants, not leaders) and the word "Mother"- the peak of true feminine identity and power, whether spiritual or biological- is nowhere to be found.
Paragraphs 66-70 are on vocation- but the vocation to raising a family does not even get mentioned. A church that isn't crying is dying; didn't we learn anything from the Shaker Protestant error?

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