Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The five reasons given for a 3rd trimester abortion (and why each of them is wrong)

  1. Health of the mother (including mental health):  Past the 21st week with modern healthcare, the only use of pregnancy is to save two weeks in the hospital for the child for every week the pregnancy continues.  If the mother's life is in danger, an emergency c-section is safer for both her and the child than either abortion or inducement.
  2. Health of the child- so you kill the child rather than treat it?  How does that help?  This one is just ableist bigotry from people who fear the disabled.
  3. Wealth of the parents- this is the biggest fallacy of all.  Children are an investment that pays off in ways you'll never expect. They are ALWAYS worth bringing into the world.
  4. Race of the parents- how despicable is it that some medical professionals would rather abort a child of the wrong color or ethnicity than allow it to be born?  This needs to be eliminated from the medical profession.
  5. Biological sex of the child (including intersex children, but quite often female children in authoritarian societies or male children in egalitarian ones)- same as race- sexism is ridiculously outdated.  And in many cases is a form of ablism in and of itself.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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