Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What is the maximum population of Coruscant Earth?

 Assume a "Coruscant Earth"- an Earth where *all* potential space is used, both land and sea, for a combination of food production and living space. Use the Permaculture formula of one acre per person of absorbed sunlight, with 100% conversion to whatever mass/energy combination we need to create food and energy of one person to live.

Earth is about 510,000,000 km^2. There are 247 acres in a square kilometer. This yields (with much better technology than we currently have, of course) a maximum population of 125.97 billion people, each owning one acre.

Of course various contracts would increase efficiency and there'd be the normal range of capitalism creating rich and poor in the long run, but at least there'd be an agreed upon base lifestyle- even if it's only a kayak with a net anchored at sea or a tent on land.

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