Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Local to Beaverton, OR: BSD heading back into lockdown.

I posted this on Next Door, just to be attacked by the usual suspects.  So I'm reposting it here.  If the discussion there doesn't go more towards parents and teachers there rather than DINKS and SINKS and people who have neurotypical kids and don't care if they're stuck at home all day playing video games, then I will be deleting the discussion on next door.

Anybody else depressed by the Beaverton School District going back into lockdown? This disease can't be the disease-that-shall-not-be-named, despite every social media wanting it to be. I had hoped the vaccines would work- that is, would confer enough immunity to stop further mutations. I had hoped I was wrong. My whole family is vaccinated. We were wrong. Vaccinated people are still spreading this, the vaccines have failed so far, regardless of what the pharmaceutical shills will tell you. And now my special needs son; who had on his IEP to have work experience, will like his senior year get no work experience. He only has two years left until he turns 21. He's already had a year and a half of his schooling practically stolen from him, now he's going to have his extended schooling, which is his right be federal law, stolen from him. Over a virus that we now find out from the CDC, mainly kills people with three or more other co-morbidities- in other words, most of those who died were already ill with three or more conditions that would have killed them eventually.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at http://outsidetheaustisticasylum.blogspot.com.