Friday, April 16, 2021

Crazy ideas for April

 Proof to me that BLM/Antifa just don't bother to sit down and think things through a whole lot.

Liberation of goods:  Why go after small businesses and big box stores when there is an Amazon warehouse within 10 miles of everybody in the United States?

Antisocial property damage:  Why protest in person when you can send a $600 consumer drone with a heat-and-dry-ice bomb attached?

Graffiti:  Avoid the property damage charge altogether with a high-lumen consumer projector and a powerpoint show.  Looks better and gets your point across better.

Masks:  stop it with those wussy bandanas and wear something that protects you from both coronavirus and tear gas.

This crazy idea brought to you by the riots in Portland and Minneapolis over stupid people who don't realize that the first duty of a citizen in any traffic stop is to follow police orders.

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