Monday, January 25, 2021

7 days of facebook jail

 Perhaps I'll get more work done.

Still, a post inspired by the conversation that got me banned:

I am not for the rejection of the unwanted and unloved that birth control and abortion represent. Family planning can become an evil unto itself, one that destroys fertility not just for oneself, but due to artificial estrogen pollution, for one's neighbors and even for other species- destroying fertility for endangered species.
Here is an alternative:
1. Instead of teaching kids how to have sex, teach them home economics. ESPECIALLY the boys so that they understand how to provide for a family. By 6th grade, they should know how to read a paycheck stub, and do the basic addition and subtraction needed to balance a checkbook. By the 7th grade they should know how to shop. By the 8th grade, they should learn how to fill out a 1040EZ and their state tax forms.
2. Mistakes will happen, so why don't we take that tax money we would have spent destroying life and make adoption free and easy. Including adding "adoptive grandparents" so that empty nesters can take in pregnant homeless teenagers to teach them how to be parents!
3. At the same time the church should teach the spiritual aspects of the dignity for life human and temporal, and the purpose of marriage.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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