Sunday, August 2, 2020

Still not White Privilege, BUT

Here are some racist assumptions that I've heard from the purveyors of White Supremacy/White Privilege/White Fragility that I believe are not only erroneous assumptions about minorities, but that actively create and build upon the illusion of systemic racism.  I will add to this post slowly over the next week, but here are a few that have sprung up lately:
  1. All minorities are held back by the "wind resistance" of historic racism.  Oddly enough, almost all the minority people claiming this have wealth far in advance of what I'll ever see, and if wealth is material privilege, then they are way more privileged than most white people I know.
  2. It's not possible for a minority or poor person to carry proper photo id.  And yet, every minority person I know over the age of 18 has a driver's license, a Costco card, and usually one to three forms of photobadge for work.
  3. Minorities are less able to succeed at paying off real estate mortgage.  This one is largely due to racists in the banking industry and a credit rating method that was in use from 1905-2010 that modifies credit rating for housing loans based on the history (and diversity) of your neighborhood.  It can cost you thousands in housing value and percentage points on your mortgage, and it's what black folks mean when they complain of "white flight" and "gentrification".
  4. It's not possible for an interracial couple or a minority couple to stay married (and thus the excuse for the high "fatherless family" rate among certain minority populations).  I say hogwash to this.  Marriage takes only two things:  Commitment and work.  That's it.  You too can succeed at heterosexual marriage.  The fear of heterosexuality in its full form, drives far to many into hopeless and poverty producing forms of the family.
  5. It is not possible for minority people to be individuals (thus the "internationalist identity politics", which never sees human beings as people, only collections of the stereotypes they belong to) .  The truth is, everybody, including minorities, are all really a minority of one.  Each of us is unique, each of us is a real person able to make our own decisions.  This especially hits hard in the disabled community quite often.
  6. Violent people are violent because they are genetically predisposed to violence.  This is one that affects the majority populations as well as minority populations.  It is not true in the slightest.  ANYBODY can become violent when their fight-or-flight mechanism is triggered in their brain, for any reason.  People who are victims of violence when they are young, become purveyors of violence when they are old.

    The people who believe in these fallacies aren't evil people, but they are racist people- especially those who claim to be anti-racist.  The existence of these beliefs in our society means we still have work to do to eliminate even the hint of systemic racism.

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