Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Censorship is never valid

An ethical hacker point of view of the cancel culture:

First they came for the conservatives- banning their posts and videos, canceling voices they could not stand.

Then they came for the statues and paintings and works of art- the Iconoclasm. Every hint that the past ever existed, must be destroyed.

Next they will come for the books, burning any that give a hint that any other way of life than theirs existed.

After that they'll be writing memory hole worms to edit the internet to their liking so that no post can be made without approved speech and thought codes applied.

At what level of historical revisionism are you comfortable with?

Because I am not comfortable with any of it.

If you must practice historical revision, add data, don't delete it.

Write your own point of view on a plaque to attach to the base of a statue or the frame of that painting so that future inhabitants of the city can get both sides.

Don't burn books, write books!

Don't edit the internet, start your own web page or social media service.

Censorship is NEVER valid.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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