Friday, June 5, 2020

Are all truly welcome? A collection of memes about ethnic disintegration.

We see this slogan a lot at left wing churches.  But are all truly welcome?

There's a song that is hated by traditionalist Catholics for not being deep enough.  My Novus Ordo parish sings it quite frequently.

It's a lie.  Not all are welcome.

This exchange with a parishioner that I normally know and trust shows the depth of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

They were angry about this totally silent and reverent act:

This expression of utter hatred from a pro-life Democrat, shows that not all are welcome.

After the last 72 hours, apparently, all are not welcome. President Trump isn't welcome. Conservatives like me aren't welcome. Heterosexuals are no longer welcome. White people are no longer welcome in America, let alone in church. All are simply not welcome- especially not a President standing with a Bible in front of a church claiming "All are welcome" that was firebombed for that message. Matthew chapter 7 is dead. Not only is Judgement back in vogue- but blaming everybody white for stuff they didn't have anything to do with.
The dream of the 1960s is dead. It is possible that it never truly existed at all. I think it was all a fake just to make us hate each other. 1,977 years ago, one man died for our sins and sent the paraclete to guide us- but I see nothing of the paraclete in America today- the Holy Spirit has abandoned us.
I wish this sign were true, but this young lady very likely had other siblings that were killed in the womb, merely for their skin color. Yes, black lives *ARE IN DANGER!*. But Planned Parenthood kills more every day than the police kill in a year. And yet it's minority owned small businesses that need to be burnt, and white people's homes that need to be threatened, because four police officers failed to notice that the drunk they were trying to subdue was having a heart attack?
The church is not innocent in this either. For most of the 20th century, immigrant parishes were segregated, if not by parish, then by the mass people went to. One of the most integrated parishes I know near me has 6 masses on a Sunday- two each in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. I was in the Knights in that parish, and recruiting from the other two cultures was an uphill battle (one I believe they are winning more recently, but it was hard). In inner cities across the nation, neighborhood demographics are changing and parishes are being closed- not for a lack of Catholics in the neighborhood, but for a lack of people who will go to Mass with "those people"- Irish vs Italians, Franciscans vs Jesuits vs the Dominicans. It's all so tiresome. We're all brothers- every one of us. Race should not exist for Catholics. Didn't we learn anything from the Ethnic Orthodox Schism of 950 A.D.?

We shouldn't discriminate.  We should invite eggs of every color to our breakfast.

 The author of all of this is Satan himself. So in closing, I hope we can still pray this prayer together.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

And do not forget the Novena from the Knights of Columbus starting June 7.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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