Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Why I do not believe COVID-19 is a Chinese Bioweapon

Strategically, a bioweapon need to do a few basic items. It needs to hit your enemy hard and at random. It needs to do so quickly. It needs to prevent your enemy from hitting you back.

1. A bioweapon should have a large death rate- more than 75% of the people who get it should be dead. COVID-19 barely kills 5% even when it is not treated and nobody does anything.
2. A bioweapon should kill quickly, limiting chances of nuclear retaliation. COVID-19 takes 15 days to kill even when it does from first infection.
3. A bioweapon should be virulent. at an R0 of only 2.5, COVID-19 is logarithmic, but it could be MUCH worse if it had more than one attack vector.
4. A bioweapon should have a cure for when your enemy surrenders. COVID-19 didn't until recently.

If it did leak from the Wuhan bioweapons factory into the wet meat market in Wuhan, then the researchers who created such an awfully useless weapon, in the dictatorship of China, deserve execution for being so useless.
This is in reference to Patrick Coughlin's video Is COVID-19 a bioweapon?

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