Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Why I am no-exceptions pro-birth (as a subset of my consistent ethic of pro-life)

 I am no exceptions because I no longer believe that there is a medical necessity for abortion that cannot be better served with a c-section birth.

In some cases, yes, the child is too young to survive, but if the intent is to give both the mother and child *every possible chance* at survival, and with the uncertainty doctors have about fetal age to begin with, it is far better to attempt to give the child a chance at life and it is easier on the mother's body than an abortion to begin with.

As for rape and incest- I have met far too many (80% of women who get pregnant from rape choose life!) children and their mothers that came from these situations to EVER recommend the death penalty for the child.

And the bigotry of aborting a child just because they might have some birth defect you are not able to deal with? Eugenics never was the right thing to do, and it is pure bigotry.

So no, just no. There is never any reason to accept "exceptions"

Not to mention the VAST majority of abortions are inspired by temporal and temporary economic conditions, not medical or legal.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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