Friday, April 10, 2020

The case builds for a gradual restart in Oregon

I know it seems crazy now, but the case is building for a gradual restart of the economy in Oregon.

I suggest that six counties need to have the basic quarantine lifted NOW, and more based on Governor Kate Brown's idea of 10 days without deaths, but unlike her, I suggest a county-by-county assessment and keeping the tourism and non-essential travel bans in place.

We are in the week of Maximum Deaths, but are now well past the Day of Judgement of 04/07/2020 Data for Oregon as of yesterday: Positive 1,321 Negative 24,306 Total persons tested 25,627 Total deaths 44 I suggest that these statistics indicate that there is ZERO need to keep any county that does not have a positive tested case closed.
The following counties have ZERO positive cases or deaths: Baker, Coos, Gilliam, Jefferson, Lake, and Wheeler. The statewide travel ban on tourism needs to be kept in place, but I would suggest lifting the religious gathering, public school and restaurant bans in those last six counties And an additional 27 counties in the link below under demographic information, are poised for reopening as soon as current virus cases have recovered, if no new cases can be found.
Clackamas, Washington, Marion, and Multnomah counties on the other hand are the majority of those deaths- and the majority of those positive cases in a big way (P=Positive, D=Deaths, T=Tested): Clackamas 109P 3D 2243T Marion 235P 9D 2002T Multnomah 302P 13D 5763T Washington 311P 6D 3344T These quarantines need to be kept in place.

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