Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A few thoughts on the current President of the United States.

We all agree Trump is an ass. It is in fact the real only reason he got elected.
The majority of people living outside of the city are tired of whimps and metrosexuals leading the country. The people in the country are tired of the constant attacks on traditional lifestyles by scientists who seem to have been purchased by the rich to kill the poor. They are tired of giving in to any tinpot dictator who wants to lob a missile at Japan, at Taiwan, at Israel.
They wanted an ashole, and a hundred million people voted for an asshole, and they got the winningest asshole that the sad, amoral nation of the United States could come up with.
Trump is the metoo of every farmer and laborer who saw his daughter sucked into the Hollywood porn machine.
He is the vengeance of every coal miner and textile worker who lost their job to globalization.
He has become, just to win, the vengeance of 61 million kids killed in their mother's womb so that one more man might avoid responsibility.
He is the Metatron, and in his sin and the anger being channeled through him, he is the voice of the oppressed Christian.
So I do not blame Democrats for their Trump Derangement Syndrome, for Trump is the Patriarchy Striking Back for the sins of the sexual revolution. The immoral have every reason to fear that.

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