Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A new start

I haven't been blogging here very much lately, because I've had a crisis of faith.  My crisis stems primarily from my own conviction that I waited too long in life to get married, and as a result, our child is an only child.  Add to that all of the talk coming from the church as of late on the permissibly of divorce, the seeming hatred of people who "breed like rabbits", the tendency of the Pontifical Academy of the sciences towards apocalyptic overpopulation predictions, and my own fears that my form of marriage may no longer fit in what is permissible for a Catholic, and I've been practically frozen.

That changes with this blog post, which ironically will be the last one on this subject for this particular blog.  A new blog will be starting soon:  The Wisdom of the Ages-Aged (this post will be updated with a link when I start that blog).  This post will serve as an outline and a reading list for my research into a new set of pre-Cana materials which I plan on releasing for free on the web, and for a very nominal cost on DVD.  My intent is to have both blog articles and vlogs related to home economics, conception, and divorce avoidance.

My real intent is to one day remove the excuse "We did not know what Catholic Marriage was" from annulment tribunals in the United States.  This should NEVER be an excuse for divorce, and never an excuse for annullment

In no specific order, the source material for this comes entirely from the following orthodox sources:

Please add in the comments anything else you think I should read, as I engage on this project in the coming year.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at http://outsidetheaustisticasylum.blogspot.com.