Monday, February 10, 2014

When Demonic Ignorance does harm

We have been demonically ignorant of what goes on in the womb for quite some time as human beings. And we have done great harm because of it.


Theodore M. Seeber said...

Not quite. I'm saying that there are many who have *been kept* ignorant, by demonic forces going on in our society. And that there are demonic forces attempting to keep this information hidden.

As is the false PETA equivalency between animals and humans. Language studies in the higher apes have shown that there is a significant difference in ability between even the smallest human fetus and an ape.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

You may not believe in demonic forces- but your communication to me in this forum has proven to me that those forces exist.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Wow. You're not too predictable. I know that you demonize people who oppose your view of life and the world around you. So I shouldn't be too surprised that you have demonized moi.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

I haven't demonized you. I have identified that you opinions are under demonic influence.

There is a significant difference. I'm saying that you and your family are victims, not perpetrators.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Neither my opinions nor my family are under demonic influence. I have no way of convincing you of this.

There is no spirit world. The material is all that is. Is that demonic ignorance, just a misconception or the truth?

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Funny how you contradict yourself in the same post.

"Neither my opinions nor my family are under demonic influence."

is followed by

"There is no spirit world. The material is all that is."

Which is a demonic statement in and of itself.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

That's silly.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

No, it's a paradox I have identified in your thought patterns.

Theodore M. Seeber said...


Some of our greatest scientists only believe in the natural material universe or the multiverse. Are they demonic (or at least influenced by it)?

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Yes. That's why we ended up developing nuclear weapons.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Mike, are you serious???
Why choose supernatural explanations when natural explanations are more than adequate?
Natural explanations take more effort but are more satisfying because they can be addressed. "The demon made me do it" is the end of the discussion.
Are you a polytheist? Is the world filled with invisible saints and demons controlling the thoughts of men (which violates free will)? Sounds positively pagan.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Quite serious. I see no scidentific explanation for the spread of genocidal mania in America.

And yes, in many ways, it would seem pagan to modern ears, but that makes it in no way any less true.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

"Genocidal mania"? Who, what, when, where? Did I miss the memo?
Populations hysterically acting on irrational beliefs does NOT require the supernatural. The miracle is that it does not happen more often.
"In no way less true"? What is your evidence? Using the supernatural to explain that which we do not understand is no answer.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

A lot of people seem to have missed the memo, but a non person is still killed every 90 seconds.

It is in fact a better answer than ignoring the situation, which is what most Americans now do.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Oh, you mean the emergence of the American Police State?
Unfortunately, the all too human tendency to use force to
oppress the lower classes is ubiquitous in history. The
difference lies in the available technology. The police
force with military grade weaponry? May the Saints
preserve us! Public outrage has fallen on the deaf ears of
power elite. And the wealth inequality continues to expand.

I agree ignoring the problem is no solution but how
does hypothesizing demons lend to a solution?

Theodore M. Seeber said...

That is only part, there is also euthanasia, abortion, and now post birth abortion. The numbers of human beings who legally are not people is growing all the time. Scrooge's surplus population is booming. No matter how many we kill, we always seem to find more.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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