Let's see if I've got this straight: The government that we don't trust to spend our taxes wisely, who can't be trusted to keep a prisoner safe and locked away from society due to some court decisions against cruel and unusual punishment, is the same government you trust not to execute you when it becomes convenient for them?
I see it to be a huge problem. Science that ignores the spiritual, likes to also ignore the ethical. Over and over again, we have examples of science ignoring the ethical. Perhaps if atheists had a sense of history, they wouldn't keep repeating the mistakes of the past.
Demonic ignorance is real? External forces hiding information?
Maybe you would be better off not believing these absurdities. Maybe you should focus on medical causes and cures and not be so religious about it. You are not stuck in a battle between good and evil. You are dealing with a medical condition that they are learning more and more about every day. Good luck.
There is ethics in science. It just isn't based on the beliefs of any religion.
And thus, is not what I can consider ethical. Especially when the standard response to a cancer patient in Oregon is now to kill them rather than cure them.
At their request and if they can't be cured. You conveniently omitted that part.
Not at their request. Only treatment offered as of January 1st.
I had to do some research on that one. You are oversimplifying the real story.
Only slightly. They're given ONE chance- one round of the best treatment science can offer. Even if there are other second chance treatments that might work- if their doctor is wrong, that's it. Only other treatment offered is 9 grams of barbiturates. The new way denies them even morphine and hospice care.
Censorship happens, Bill.
As with Rebecca? Yes it does indeed. I give you credit for not holding up comments for moderation which you have every right to do.
I may again, one day, if the spammers return. But for now, there is no purpose in it.
And I've made it a practice never to censor in moderation. Perhaps this comes not from my Catholic side, but from my Hacker side- all information is valuable and deserves to be seen.
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