Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why Doesn’t the Catholic Church Just Get with the Times?

Why Doesn’t the Catholic Church Just Get with the Times?:

'via Blog this'


Unknown said...

Catholics are quite simply stuck having to take antisocial stands because there really is no getting around infallibility. The Pope will never admit that he or any prior pope is wrong about matters concerning the faith. You can put forth your best arguments for what you are required to believe. At least you will be arguing with people who have the freedom to change their minds and perhaps agree with you. That is more than they can say about you. You're stuck.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

When society goes insane, the only sane response is to become antisocial.

Unknown said...

Just what we need. An anti-social church.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

The Church has been anti-social since a third-rate Roman Governor had an itinerant preacher arrested for incitement to riot.

Nothing new to see in that.

Unknown said...

I'm not aware of the arrest you are referring to. If you are referring to Pilate then that is not the way the story was told. There was a time when the Church was not anti-social. It embodied society. But, since the human race has progressed, the Church has become increasingly anti-progress and anti-social. I consider you to be.extremely anti-social in your attitude to a free and modern society.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

That's the way the story has been told all of my life- that Jesus was rebelling against the Sanhedrin, and the Sanhedrin trumped up a false charge of "incitement to riot" for which Jesus was arrested.

I am extremely antisocial towards your genocidal and barbaric "progress". You can take your version of freedom that requires a third of fetuses to never be born and shove it. That isn't freedom, that's destruction. That isn't progress at all, that's infanticide.

Unknown said...

"You can take your version of freedom that requires a third of fetuses to never be born"

My version of freedom doesn't REQUIRE abortions. It ALLOWS them. There is a big difference. The more I learn about you the more I realize how much you abhor the freedom that makes this a great country in which to live.

You belong in a Catholic country where women have to give birth after being raped and even if their lives are endangered. Where gays are looked at as second class citizens. Where birth control is discouraged if not prohibited. You don't deserve to live in this country. You don't appreciate true freedom.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

56 million dead children says your version of freedom *requires* abortion to keep women more available sexually.

True freedom shouldn't require the enslavement and death of others.

Unknown said...

"56 million dead children says your version of freedom *requires* abortion to keep women more available sexually."

These are what are called "hangups". You are riddled with them.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Yes, actually having ethics and morality requires having "hangups" as your generation called them. Not that your generation was very moral, with free wheeling divorce, regulation free banking, and the sexual revolution. I'm sure you would consider a lot of my attitude to be "hangups".

Unknown said...

"I'm sure you would consider a lot of my attitude to be "hangups". "

Yes. I definitely do. And it is unfortunate for you that you do have so many hangups. You really ought to make an effort to stop being so judgmental of people who are different from you.

I hope that you are just venting and that you do not live your life with the attitude that you project in your posts. Life is too short to be concerning yourself with the morality (or the lack thereof) of people whose actions and lifestyles do not directly affect you and yours. And don't keep saying that everything affects everything else. It doesn't.

I hope you can find peace in this life.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Anybody who comes into contact with me and mine, affects me by their lack of morality.

It is impossible to be an immoral person and not affect other people. Everything you do, affects other people.

And yes, I do consider it an attack on me and mine.

Unknown said...

"Anybody who comes into contact with me and mine, affects me by their lack of morality."

So. Does that mean that you are being affected by my lack of morality? Does it mean that your life would be better if I were more moral? What kind of contact are we talking about? Can you give an example of how you have been impacted by someone's lack of morality other than someone who has actually involved you in that immorality? Are you talking about your tax dollars going to law enforcement or welfare or only as it involves direct contact with you? Have you been in contact with a gay or lesbian or someone on the pill that has had an affect on you and yours. Be realistic

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Yes, I am, and yes, it would make everybody's life far better to be moral.

Morality isn't imposed because of hate. It is love. It is the wanting of what is best for other people.

It is the glue that holds society together and it is the only thing that turns savages into civilized people.

We are *all* connected, to everybody in the city, the county, the state, the country, and the world in which we live, and immoral behavior affects everybody- both in material and immaterial ways.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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