Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The dogma of subjectivism

The Atheist Orthodoxy that Drove Me to Faith | Strange Notions:

A convert to Catholicism explains how atheism can only be maintained, by ignoring a huge body of evidence.


Unknown said...

" I was presented with a God who was the Logos: not a supernatural dictator crushing human reason, but the self-expressing standard of goodness and objective truth towards which our reason is oriented, and in which it is fulfilled, an entity that does not robotically control our morality, but is rather the source of our capacity for moral perception, a perception that requires development and formation through the conscientious exercise of free will."

That is fine that she has found a concept of God that makes her feel good. But that concept is only the invention of the human mind, not necessarily a reality. From accepting that concept, she must now confront the catechism. She must accept "Church teaching" whether it makes sense or not. She must change her attitude toward gay marriage, contraception, abortion to save a mother's life, in vitro fertilization to bring life into the world, death with dignity, etc. All for a concept that makes her feel good. One that she could just accept without joining a religion.

Unknown said...

"A convert to Catholicism explains how atheism can only be maintained, by ignoring a huge body of evidence."

She really did not discuss evidence. She just finds the argument for Catholicism to be rational and logical. She has yet to delve into the irrational and illogical parts of the religion.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

ALL of the truly irrational parts, are propaganda invented by the Protestants during the wars following the Reformation.

Galileo died in bed of old age, for instance.

As to the goodness of God, objective truth, to which true reason is oriented and fulfilled, that IS the reality.

"gay marriage, contraception, abortion to save a mother's life, in vitro fertilization to bring life into the world, death with dignity"

Are all irrational and unreasonable, even without the teaching of the Church. They are the brainwashing of Planned Parenthood and the Guttmacher Institute in their attempt to "reduce the human population" of "certain unwanted groups", according to the Jaffe Memo. The original sources of the Jaffe Memo. They are not science, they're propaganda, and you have fallen for the brainwashing of Malthusian Eugenicists.

Unknown said...

"Are all irrational and unreasonable, even without the teaching of the Church."

No. It is not irrational to allow gays to marry.

It is not irrational to plan and control the size of one's family through the use of contraceptives.

It is not irrational to terminate a pregnancy if the mother's life is endangered or if she is on chemotherapy.

It is not irrational to use IVF to conceive.

It is not irrational to allow a terminally ill patient to die on their own terms, with their loved ones by their side or alone, whichever they desire.

It is you who are trying to rationalize Church teaching because that is what you must do to defend your faith.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Yes, Bill, all those things are irrational- in that the only reason you are for any of them is because you've bought into the propaganda of the elitist Malthusian Eugenicists whose math isn't even correct (overpopulation is not mathematically true).

I don't have to depend on Church teaching to see that you've bought into the *very things the Jaffe Memo was talking about promoting as propaganda back in 1969*.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at http://outsidetheaustisticasylum.blogspot.com.