This post was originally written about the Presidential race in the United States, but it could easily be adapted in many of its planks to fighting back against the pornocracy at any level of government.
These are the party planks I want to see in a primary from *any* primary race. You can easily tailor them to the jurisdiction you are running in.
- Be pro-life to the point of supporting unwed mothers and heterosexual marriage for parents of children between conception and age 21.
- Eliminate bigotry against the unwanted and disabled in the forms of euthanasia, abortion, and transgender mutilation
- Fund marital counseling services to reduce and eliminate divorce.
- Bring us a *workable* plan to start rolling back the Imperialistic financial aid and armed forces from the United States that the pornocracy has been using to push homosexuality, abortion, and birth control on the third world.
- God's Children are Not for Sale; repurpose those troops to freeing illegal slaves here in the United States and around the world. End sex and labor trafficking with strong borders to interrupt the $150 Billion worldwide slave trade.
- Clean up the entertainment industry. Strongly prosecute any and all producers or directors who use their position for the sexual abuse of women and men.
- End the free trade system that encourages 3rd world slave conditions in factories; use technology to manufacture goods as close to consumers as possible even when slavery would be more efficient.
- Tax retailers that sell slave origin goods to pay for it, this includes entertainment properties that profit off of soft porn created by abusive directors and producers.
- Return the rights of life, free speech, and the pursuit of happiness to the American lower classes, regardless of color of skin
- Make it entirely illegal to discriminate based on color of skin for anybody.
The only third party I see that could accomplish this, is the American Solidarity Party. But if just ONE Democrat, and just ONE Republican, stood up to run in their respective primaries with eliminating the Pornocrats from their party platforms, 2024 would become a much different race.