Monday, June 5, 2023

Called to Defend Our Faith

 As we were cooking the Knights of Columbus Breakfast at St. Clare's in Portland on June 4th, our pancake flipper Scott Young brought up the Dodgers controversy for First Deadly Sin Month, and I was surprised to hear that many of the men there were unaware of the problem.

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal published a few opinion pieces about this blatant anti-Catholic group being honored by Major League Baseball.  I must admit, I've been a bit cowardly myself about defending the faith on this topic, as I work for a corporation that is very vocal about First Deadly Sin Month- and rather anti-Catholic about it.

However, there comes a time when as Catholic Knights, we must draw a line in the sand, and this is sufficiently non-partisan, even if some elements on both sides want to make it partisan, that I think we need to stand together as brothers, to stand up and just say NO.

Here is the EWTN interview with the author of one of those opinion pieces published in the Wall Street Journal, that shows why I say it is not a partisan issue.

Should you choose to act, I urge you to sign Catholic Vote's petition at this link and join people such as Archbishop Sample in the boycott of the Dodgers.

Ted Seeber

Thursday, June 1, 2023

It's been a long time, and it's going to be longer

 I think I'm almost done with my personal blog for a while.

I'm certainly almost done with pride month.

This is what I'm posting on any social media post that promotes the First Deadly Sin.

And with that, I'm snoozing you for 30 days. See you in July when you have recovered from insanity.  

Including myself.  Pride is evil.  Time for Fidelity and Humility instead.

Creative Commons License
Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at