Friday, May 13, 2022

On Neurodiversity, LGBTQ+, and Transgenderism as it relates to Title IX

 Just finished the OBVC left wing progressive push survey- and for once it gave me a great idea based on what it didn't include. Much of it was focused on Title IX an the left-wing looney idea that sexual orientation and gender-fluidity is as important as biological sex (hint, I'm of the opinion that it isn't, TL;DR is that I'm against this concept).

Now having said that, here's a strange concept. As a society, we deal with the individuality (and extreme individuality) of neurodiversity through a variety of evolving concepts in education where each autistic is treated as an INDIVIDUAL, instead of an IDENTITY GROUP.  To that end- neurodiverse students get Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Special Olympics provides co-ed athletic opportunities.  This counts for more than just autism:  A large number of individual difference kids are in these co-ed teams- it's easy to see people of every ability out on the field, nobody keeps score and nobody cares.

Is there any reason why we can't address the suicide issues experienced by LGBTQ+ and transgender people in a similar fashion?  They have unique issues they need to navigate that others do not.    Sure, include them whenever possible- but maybe it is time once again to view these neurodiverse populations as neurodiverse, and celebrate them for the individuals they are, instead of trying to force them into the box of "normal" (or worse yet, adjusting the normal box until nobody who is cisgendered and straight fits into it).

Give them IEPs, give them extra counseling in how to mask and coping skills in how to appear normal.  Give them scenario life skills to live and navigate the world that is always going to be foreign to them in at least some ways.  Teach them to accept the bodies they have even when they think they need to dress and act differently.  Let them stim- whatever that looks like for them!  Teach them how to deal with anxiety.  And most of all- stop treating them like an identity, and start treating them like an individual.

Because in the long run, ONLY treating them as an individual- will allow them the inclusion they so desperately seek.  And yes, I chose that word on purpose- for what is the ultimate cause of suicide among the great tapestry that is the neurodiverse spectrum, but despair?  Remove the despair from these kids, and perhaps then we will see a reduction in self-harm and body modification and suicide.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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