Seen in Knights group, changed to be more generic and make a point:
I'm Outside the Autistic Asylum!
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The crazy stuff I can't post anyplace else
Introduction to Wonko the Sane and Outside the Asylum, which this blog is named after.
Monday, November 16, 2020
What to do when you see someone wearing a mask improperly
Monday, November 9, 2020
Quarantine the sick, not the healthy
As of Today, November 9, 2020, COVID-19 has infected over 50 million people worldwide, killed 1.2 million, and 35 million have already recovered from the illness.
Out of 7.8 billion human beings, more children were both born and died of abortion in 2020 than people will be killed by COVID-19.
Now Pfizer comes along with a vaccine that is 90% effective. For a disease that already human beings seem to have a 99.995% resistance to, for a disease that 96% of patients recover from.
Ours is not to reason why....
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
I am anti-choice
I am against the choice of a man to drink and drive.
I am against the choice of anybody to take illicit substances.
As a man who has experienced the temptation of suicide, I'm damned glad that it was illegal at the time, and I'm against the choice for euthanasia.
I'm against the choice for war.
I'm against the choice to sit in a hotel room and spray bullets down at random at a crowd at a jazz festival.
I am indeed against choice for abortion.
I am not against using a caesarian when a woman can no longer medically maintain a pregnancy, as long as *every effort is made to also save the child*, EVEN WHEN all current science says the child can't be saved. But that operation is NEVER by choice- only by triage. A pregnant woman is TWO patients, not one, and both need to be respected, and that is what a personhood amendment correctly written, will bring about.
So yes, I am anti-choice.
But it goes further than that.
I'm against the choice to underpay a worker.
I'm against the choice to fail to feed somebody when you could make a difference.
I'm against the choice to have a 2nd vacation home while there is still somebody sleeping in the street.
I'm against the choice to charge high interest rates because you don't like the color of a person's skin, or fail to extend credit for home ownership because too many of the neighbors are dark.
I'm against a lot of choices. And I think the history of these untied states, has proven beyond any shadow of doubt that when you give a human being the capability to be immoral and harm their neighbor, they will.
And that is why we need a Personhood Amendment, regardless of the outcome of this election.