Monday, August 15, 2016

By Fulton Sheen's Standards, Clinton and Trump are Communists

"MOST LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS, political slogans, and radical catchwords of our times are concerned with the satisfaction of material wants. The Communist catchword is “jobs” “jobs” “jobs”; the politician’s slogan is “work” “work” “work”; the legislator’s promise is “[more] material security.” Add to this the sad fact that millions of citizens, whose bodies and souls have been ravaged by a materialist civilization, have reached a point where they are willing to sacrifice the last crumb of liberty for a piece of the cake of security. Reformers [and community organizers] have not understood their cry. Because man make demands for security, our reformers have neglected to inquire what they really want. A starving man asks for bread, when he really wants life. “The body is more than the raiment, and life is more than the food.” The unemployed, the socially disinherited, the poor broken earthenware of humanity ask for “work,” but what they really want is independence. The normal man does not want to be fed either by a social agency or a state; he wants to be able to feed himself. In other words, he wants liberty. But, as we said in the last chapter, there is only one solid economic foundation for individual liberty and that is a wider distribution of property.
Property is here understood primarily as productive property, such as land, or a share in the profits, management or ownership of industry. Property does not mean a distribution of created wealth [past savings] such as bread, circuses, and jobs, but a redistribution of creative wealth [future earnings]; not rations handed out by an agency or an employer, but a shared ownership of productive goods. Liberty to be real, concrete, and practicable must have a foundation in the economic order; namely, independence."
~ Fulton J. Sheen, Freedom under God, Economic Guarantee of Human Liberty, 1940/2013, (page 49).

Have not posted anything on autism in a long time

Funny, my friend Daniel Salomon and I were just talking about this.  How dependency does NOT help adults with autism, but instead, holds them back.   First Place Transition Academy, located in Phoenix, Arizona, is trying to change that.

These are mainly lower functioning, what used to be called Kanner's Autism kids.  But they're being taught the skills they need to learn to work and have a good life.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

How to become a cat lady, or Woman Blames Birth Control for Debasing Love -

Woman Blames Birth Control for Debasing Love -

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This is a very interesting story.  Not sure how true it is, but this shows that not all women agree that the pill is a liberator.

Friday, August 12, 2016

$1000 at the right time can save $20,000 when dealing with homelessness

Just $1000 to somebody who can otherwise pay for housing but is facing a non-recurring sudden expense, can and does save society $20,000 in welfare and shelters.

I am the Unfit, updated

Because my poem it TL:DR for some folks, front-facing the links.

For young women facing a crisis pregnancy, click here to search for help in your area.

For young families facing the cost of an unexpected pregnancy unable to find their way out, click here for a pro-life charity that will show you how to balance your budget and help with immediate needs.

For women and their men who have been tricked into abortion in the past, click here to find forgiveness and healing.

For those facing divorce or abandonment, click here to find a better way to think about family.

For those who feel they have no choice, click here to find a REAL choice.

For those who have been raped, click here to save the one.

Updated again- on the announcement of the Supreme Court returning the definition of person to the individual states in Dobbs vs Jackson Women's Health (someday I need to find out what the original case was about), I will copy and repost this 6 year old poem.  
In light of some ugly rhetoric coming from the left about euthanasia and the Zika Virus, a slight rewrite of my classic anti-abortion poem is in order.

I am Unfit

My mother is a teenager, just starting out in Life
I am the Unfit
I am the Child of Poor Parents
I am the Unfit
I have a genetic disease
I am the Unfit
My mother was bit by a mosquito and I am in danger of microcephaly
I am the Unfit
I have a terminal illness
I am the Unfit
I signed up with the Military to feed my family
I am the Unfit
I am accused of treason
I am the Unfit
I am accused of murder
I am the Unfit
My parents were of two different races
I am the Unfit
I am the wrong race
I am the Unfit
My father raped my mother and I was conceived
I am the Unfit
I am the genius scientist that is face blind
I am the Unfit
I have a genetic defect
I am the Unfit
My parents abuse children
I am the Unfit
I will spend more over my lifetime than I will earn
I am the Unfit
I struggle with Same Sex Attraction
I am the Unfit
I am Ugly
I am the Unfit
I have a socially transmitted disease
I am the Unfit
I am a boy
I am the Unfit
I am a girl
I am the Unfit
I am a hermaphrodite
I am the Unfit
I have autism
I am the Unfit
I am the minimum wage worker working three jobs
I am the Unfit
I am the unionist
I am the Unfit
I am the little person
I am the Unfit
I am the obese
I am the Unfit
I have cancer due to pollution
I am the Unfit
We are infertile in our marriage due to synthetic estrogen in the drinking water
I am the Unfit
I am the son of an unwed mother- God knows the Future
You do not
Who are you to decide that
I am the Unfit?

For young women facing a crisis pregnancy, click here to search for help in your area.

For young families facing the cost of an unexpected pregnancy unable to find their way out, click here for a pro-life charity that will show you how to balance your budget and help with immediate needs.

For women and their men who have been tricked into abortion in the past, click here to find forgiveness and healing.

For those facing divorce or abandonment, click here to find a better way to think about family.

For those who feel they have no choice, click here to find a REAL choice.

For those who have been raped, click here to save the one.

The economic data is in, and the United States is coming close to a crisis point.

The data is in.  The United States is now far below replacement rate on having children.  With a mere 59.6 births per 1,000 women for 2015, we are now seriously in decline.

This is a public health crisis, brought on by contraception, abortion, and materialism, and nobody cares.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

I'm pro-life because I'm liberal

I don't often call myself a liberal these days; it seems I get more conservative as time goes on.  But my conservatism is born out of my earlier days as a liberal.

It is out of PTSD from being bullied as a child, that I recognize the bullying inherent in the pro-choice choice of who will live and who will die.

It is out of respect for nature and sustainability that I'm a conservation style environmentalist- and a sane one who recognizes the human need for agriculture and the role agriculture plays in preserving species.

I am not comfortable with libertines or libertarians.  But my conservatism comes from an understanding of systems, and how systems work.

Monday, August 1, 2016

6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die | TIME

6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die | TIME: "
Final verdict: If Mars needs to check his privilege, then so does Venus.

Why do these reckless claims have so much appeal and staying power? For one thing, there is a lot of statistical illiteracy among journalists, feminist academics and political leaders. There is also an admirable human tendency to be protective of women—stories of female exploitation are readily believed, and vocal skeptics risk appearing indifferent to women’s suffering. Finally, armies of advocates depend on “killer stats” to galvanize their cause. But killer stats obliterate distinctions between more and less serious problems and send scarce resources in the wrong directions. They also promote bigotry. The idea that American men are annually enslaving more than 100,000 girls, sending millions of women to emergency rooms, sustaining a rape culture and cheating women out of their rightful salary creates rancor in true believers and disdain in those who would otherwise "

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Next Big Future: Solar Cells converts Co2 into hydrocarbon fuel

Next Big Future: Solar Cells converts Co2 into hydrocarbon fuel:

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Now there's a game changer for global climate change.  Instead of millions of years for plants to turn atmospheric carbon into diesel, this artificial leaf can do it in hours.
Creative Commons License
Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at