Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Is pro-homosexuality anti-child?

Or better yet, is it a component of being pro-homosexual to believe in the overpopulation myth to the point of being for the extinction of the human race?

Tony Jones asked the difficult question theologically, about what was sinful about a homosexual, MONOGAMOUS relationship. The answer I finally reached is this: That under John Paul II's theology of the body, sex for recreation alone will always be inferior to sex for procreation and unification. And to remove either procreation (sex in a couple that is naturally infertile) or unification (sex in a couple that is either not married or intends to get divorced) also degrades the concept irreparably.

So therefore, I have to ask the question- what is the ultimate purpose of homosexuality in a society? And I can only think of ONE purpose- to end that society with a degraded form of sexuality that is neither procreative nor unitive.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The other half of the argument, censored

The other half of the argument I would have presented here if not for censorship on EP is that for the past 20 years, abortion has been the *only* cause of the demographic problem in the United States, in that if we merely do what it takes to provide compensation for motherhood to lower the abortion rate by half for 20 years, the demographic problem will *disappear* completely.

That to me is economics and math, not morality- but there's a ban on EP for talking about anti-choice economics.
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