Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Where there was one, now there are two

I've written often about my confusion at the Jesuit proposal of a "doctrine of reception", which enables cafeteria catholicism by explaining sin away as merely being "a teaching not received", as if the real problem isn't enough learning rather than the effects of Original Sin in our lives.

Today, in an article written by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB on the Salt and Light blog  we see a new doctrine proposed.  I'd call it, for lack of a better name, the Anti-Pharisee doctrine.  Apparently under this new doctrine, while it is nice to follow scripture and tradition, both are
considered to be "disordered attachments" at times at the discernment of the Pope.  This leads to a rather confused teaching- for everything is now based on the Pope as Dictator, rather than on continuity with the historical magisterium.

On Zenit where this first appeared, the article has been rescinded, but it is a fascinating look into the mind of some people in the church.

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