Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pope Francis wants the church to apologize to gay people. Here’s what that could look like. - Vox

Pope Francis wants the church to apologize to gay people. Here’s what that could look like. - Vox: "They've been the subject of degrading gossip in church, and when they've tried to receive spiritual guidance, they've been treated as if lust is their biggest and even only spiritual concern. They've been given guidance that focused solely on avoiding sin, never on expressing love: a catechism of "no.""

Eve Tushnet's entire focus is on the LGBT community, so it's understandible that she thinks they are unique in this.  I'd point out though that this is exactly the same treatment that heterosexuals got from 1950-1992, and is the reason behind Theology of the Body and the destruction of heterosexual marriage we've seen in that time.

The singleminded focus of the libertine left on sex- caused a reaction in the libertine right to be focused on sex (and not focused enough on their libertine sin of using fiscal matters to control everything), causing everything to be broken.

Perhaps instead of continuing in the "us vs them" mentality that sexual orientation myth presents us with, we need to take a step back and acknowledge first, that we are children of God, not gay or straight or whatever.

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