Friday, May 11, 2012

Liberals, get this through your thick skulls

To Orthodox Catholics, all sex outside of monogamous, lifelong marriage with no divorce, is a form of rape.


rsps said...

Wow, you really diminish what rape actually is. Do you know how incredibly offensive that is? And, it is an absolutely horrid and incorrect analogy.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

rsps, wow, you really have a strange idea of what rape really is- because what I said is NOT an analogy at all. Whenever you use another person for sexual gratification with no intent of having children or a commitment to stay with that person for life, that is rape. Oh, it might not fit the legal definition of rape, but biologically, spiritually, and psychologically there is NO discernible difference. All of the trauma, all of the self-loathing, all of the danger of rape, exists with every mindless sexual one night stand.

Alex Harman said...

You don't get to collapse every sex act that isn't intended to result in pregnancy into "mindless sexual one-night stands;" to do so is false, as well as incredibly rude. Your inability to discern a difference between sexual intercourse with contraception that both partners engage in enthusiastically, enjoy immensely, and have no regrets about afterward, and sex forced on one person by another against the first person's will, resulting in lifelong trauma for the victim, does not mean that there is no difference; it means that you are so completely oblivious to other people's feelings as to be totally unfit for human company, and should get your willfully ignorant ass back into your asylum and have the door locked behind you before you hurt someone.

Alex Harman said...
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Alex Harman said...

Also, while you're the only Catholic I've ever heard of who goes so far as to equate all sex other than sex between monogamous spouses seeking to conceive a child with rape, that idea would explain how the bishops managed to treat the rape of children by priests as no worse than masturbation or sex with a consenting adult partner. If all sexual sin is equal, it doesn't really matter whether a priest ejaculates in the palm of his own hand or in a six-year-old's rectum, does it?

Theodore M. Seeber said...

It matters in that all of that is rape. All of it. Yes, any sex act that is not intended to create pregnancy is incredibly rude. The sexual revolution was an incredibly destructive mistake.

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