Monday, September 30, 2019

The Gospel comes to Life: Fr. Illays and Facebook community standards.

On Sunday, September 29, we all heard the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man.

Well, I'm aware of one modern day Lazarus, begging the rich men halfway around the world, for a few dollars for bricks.

His name is Fr. Illyas Nawhab, and his blog">The Philomena House of Mercy
has been blocked by Facebook for unknown reasons.
One possible reason is that he's trying to use international social media to raise money to build an orphanage.

And despite pictures, he's having problems doing so due to "violating Community Standards".

Yes, it's possible that a man posing as a priest is not entirely honest.  But from my time conversing with him, I believe Fr. Illyas is.  And I do believe, because he's posted pictures of them- that he has a family of brick kiln owners that he's also supporting with ordering building materials from them to build his orphanage.

$200 to us, is a bit of money, but no longer a large amount.  I've seen people spend that on a single dinner for their friends.

But in Pakistan, it's a tractor-trailer load of bricks.

So facebook, what do you have against charity?

Friday, September 27, 2019

We all need a spark of madness

I'm currently in facebook jail for pointing out that Islam has been into Terrorism for 1400 years, give or take a century.

It reminds me that a prophet has to be a little bit crazy to speak truth to power.

Like a famous citizen of early San Francisco.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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