Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Prayer vs gun laws- sometimes nothing CAN make a difference

I certainly think 26 members of Southland Baptist are now Catholics, part of the Church Triumphant enjoying Heaven, having lived through the purgatory of an atheist coming into their church services and shooting everybody.  The other approximately 24 people are still living through their purgatory- wounded, mostly with bullets.

I doubt you can find a single-pro-gun NRA member who would agree that Devin Kelly, or any other former soldier dishonorably discharged for domestic violence, should have been able to own weapons.

Neither does federal law.  US Code 18.922 should have prevented this man from owning weapons, let alone pasting pictures of his weapons on his facebook page.  The ATF should have been all over this guy *YEARS* ago.

You can pass all the laws you want, but  if there is no willingness to *ENFORCE THE LAWS ALREADY ON THE  BOOKS* then you might as well pray to the flying spaghetti monster to have Scotty Beam you up- there ain't no intelligent life left down here.

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