Monday, March 16, 2009

Well, that didn't last long

Just got thrown off of Economic Populist for pointing out the sad truth that Ponzi Schemes are Profitable, which I would have thought was obvious....


Johnny Venom said...

Did you actually get an official notice from Robert??? I wonder if I should publish my thing about how Social Security looks awfully like a ponzi scheme.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

No official notice- but right after I posted that message, my account got shut down.

I was just trying to point out that given a total lack of morality, AIG's bonuses make sense, as does the rest of the ponzi banking scheme- it IS profitable, after all, for the short term.

Theodore M. Seeber said...

Third comment- maybe I'm wrong, maybe it was just a wierd glitch of some sort- I'm suddenly able to log back in....

Theodore M. Seeber said...

And yet, Robert used this (among other things) as proof that I was off my rocker- that I was publishing "economic fiction" on his "evidence based" blog.

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